Posted by Amy Lauren | Posted in | Posted on Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's not me.. it's you.

Comments Posted (7)

  1. HAHA. Oh.. so cute!

  2. I want to see Lola in her new pad, Amy!

  3. Hahahaha! Awww, so true!
    Yesterday Lilly went upstairs and then came back down right away and told us she was going to pet Lola but then realized she's gone now.

  4. Kelly: Oh, I know! I went in there to look for something, and Lola was gone. The room was so empty.

  5. Haha, I like that Moma is holding Lola out like "take her now!" Perfect quote.

  6. aww, sad girls!! there's nothing worse than an empty room :(

  7. HEY! This reminds me of that one book about that old man that keeps getting this orange tabby cat at his door and he's always trying to send it away. But by the end of the book he keeps that cat and they become cuddle-buddies. ^^