Strange behaviors...

Posted by Heidi Rose | Posted in | Posted on Wednesday, December 02, 2009

It was a perfectly normal day (and aren't they all?), and Kelly and I were going about our normal habits (as did Lilly, I would think, though she is not especially involved in the event this post describes, she was actually in another room, but I digress). We woke up around 6:30am. We were barely on time to school. We played our violas. The usual stuff. And as usual, when we walked in the door upon returning from school, Lola was meowing upstairs from her chambers. I hopped up the stairs and, since our cat-allergic mother would not be home for at least another hour, I opened the door. This in itself was not so unusual- I occasionally open Lola's door for her to roam the other rooms. And, as she usually does on such occasions, Lola did not immediately exit the room. I'm not one to be pushy, especially to cats, so I bounded back down the stairs.
Whether Lola followed, I did not take much notice, and I had soon resumed my seat in front of my computer, some feet away from Kelly, who had resumed hers. We were sitting, clicking away, when in an event reminiscent of Jumanji, we heard a sudden vamp on the piano sitting on the opposite side of the room. The clicking stopped, and Kelly and I both swung around in our chairs.


In what could be considered either an act of guilt or fright, she made a sprint out of the room.

For the next half hour (and counting), meows could be heard echoing from unknown spots on the first floor. We did not see her again until I heard a distinct meow, and looked to see her on the kitchen counter. As soon as she realized she had been spotted, she darted up the staircase...

...only to find her way back in the kitchen, this time balanced on the window sill above the sink...

...and darting upstairs again.

"One second I hear her meowing from upstairs, and the next I hear her walking on something behind me."

Such is life with Lola.

Comments Posted (5)

  1. HAHAHA.
    Lola is so strange.

  2. HAHA awesome. what a weirdo, always sneaking around like that!

  3. Failed ambush!

  4. LOL. I agree with Lilly, all of those were failed ambushes. You two are lucky you got out alive!